OMH: Expanding School-Based Mental Health Clinics (SBMHCs):
Start-up Funding

March 18, 2024

To: Child-serving Clinics (MHOTRS) Programs
From: New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH)

Subject: Expanding School-Based Mental Health Clinics (SBMHCs): Start-up Funding

To support program expansion and account for initial implementation costs, Governor Kathy Hochul recently announced $20 million in start-up funding for SBMHCs. Moving forward, every newly licensed SBMHC will automatically be eligible for $25,000 in one-time start-up funding. High-need schools (see attached for full list), or those where more than 50% of students are classified as coming from an economically disadvantaged household, are eligible for an additional $20,000.  

To streamline processes and avoid a separate application process, providers will now receive an attestation with the Operating Certificate of a new SBMHC which must be completed and returned to OMH to initiate funding issuance.

Certain sites are excluded from this opportunity: sites that received Mental Health Block Grant School-Based Mental Health Clinic Services for Children/Youth Supporting Growth: Access and Capacity Enhancement Grant (December 2021) or The School Based Mental Health Satellite Clinic Expansion RFA (August 2023) are not eligible for funding for that site.

If you have questions about this new process, please contact your Regional Field Office or

Thank you for your continued efforts to support the children and families of New York State.