OMH Telemental Health for People Affected by the Disaster Emergency
March 11, 2020
This message is to advise you that Governor Cuomo has taken additional steps to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and ensure that New Yorkers have safe access to the mental health and addiction treatment services they need.
Because telemental health can help ensure continuity of care to recipients during the Coronavirus emergency, the Governor has authorized OMH to waive sections of Part 596 Telemental Health Services to allow all (Article 31 designated and licensed) providers to deliver services via telehealth.
Streamlining the approval process and regulations governing telehealth services will quickly allow more healthcare providers to utilize the practice for the duration of the of the COVID-19 emergency.
Attached you will find OMH’s guidelines for the Use of Telemental Health for People Affected by the Disaster Emergency, along with the required Self-Attestation of Compliance to Offer Telemental Health Services.