August 21, 2023
Thanks to Chris Blask at Endeavor for spotting the updated Guidance (below) and sending it over. We will review and look for discussion regarding the period of time between when the initial guidance on this topic came out, and today.
The statement in the transmittal (below) that says “…OMIG anticipates the first full month of reports to be in September and the first monthly reporting to be October 5…” needs to be deciphered. Stand by.
From: NYS Office of the Medicaid Inspector General <>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:32 PM
OMIG Update Office of the Medicaid Inspector General Announces In response to feedback from Medicaid stakeholders, OMIG’s Self-Disclosure Program has been revised to include two pathways for entities to report, return and explain overpaid Medicaid funds. In addition to the existing Full Self-Disclosure Process, OMIG has developed an Abbreviated Self-Disclosure Process that Medicaid entities may utilize to report and explain overpayments that are considered routine or transactional errors in nature or meet other defined characteristics and have already been voided or adjusted. Additional information about the abbreviated process can be found here: Self-Disclosure Program Requirements Guidance Document. OMIG anticipates the first full month of reports to be in September and the first monthly reporting to be October 5. More information regarding OMIG’s Self-Disclosure Program is available at: Self-Disclosure | Office of the Medicaid Inspector General ( New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General Our mission is to enhance the integrity of the New York State Medicaid program by preventing and detecting fraudulent, abusive, and wasteful practices within the Medicaid program and recovering improperly expended Medicaid funds while promoting high-quality patient care. Contact us: OMIG, 800 North Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12204. Phone:(518) 473-3782; Fax: (518) 474-6773; Fraud Hotline: 1-(877) 87-FRAUD/1-(877) 873-7283 Visit us on the web at: |