April 7, 2023
With the recent transition of the Medicaid Pharmacy Benefit from Medicaid managed care to Medicaid fee-for-service, we want to assist you as you work to ensure continuity of care for the individuals you serve.
Below is a note from Medicaid Matters NY, a grassroots advocacy coalition that has been asked by the state to participate in pharmacy transition surveillance efforts. Please read the note below and use the form to report any trouble you are having. If the NYS Council can help as you work through the transition, I hope you will call on us for assistance. I’m at 518 461-8200 or lauri@nyscouncil.org
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From: Lara Kassel via MMNY <mmny+lkassel_at_medicaidmattersny.org@gaggle.email>
Date: Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 9:43 AM
Subject: [MMNY] Spanish form now available: Pharmacy benefit transition surveillance by consumers and advocates, by Medicaid Matters New York
To: Mmny <mmny@gaggle.email>
Este formulario está disponible en Español en este enlace. / This form is available in Spanish at this link.
Medicaid Matters New York has been asked by the NYS Department of Health to participate in a “command center” to bring issues with the transition of the pharmacy benefit from Medicaid managed care to fee-for-service Medicaid to their attention. The form (linked here) mirrors the form Medicaid Matters representatives have been asked to use, with the addition of a few demographic questions.
Should you or someone you work with experience any difficulty with accessing prescriptions after the April 1 transition date, please use the form to help us make sure the Department of Health is aware of issues happening as a result of the transition. Please do not include any personal health information or other sensitive information in this form.
Consumers and advocates are encouraged to share the form widely for the reporting of pharmacy issues taking place as a result of the transition. You may forward is email to your networks. A QR code of the form is below and attached.
Anyone experiencing difficulty accessing prescriptions after April 1 should contact the NYS Department of Health Medicaid Helpline:1-855-648-1909TTY 1-800-662-1220Hours are Monday – Friday, 8am-8pm and Saturday, 9am-1pm.The Medicaid Helpline can connect callers to staff who speaks their preferred languages.
A copy of the letter that went to Medicaid enrollees to alert them of this change is linked here.The NYS Department of Health’s “What You Need to Know” fact sheet on the transition is linked here.
If you have any questions, if you have any trouble completing the form, or you need the form to be provided in an accessible format, please contact Medicaid Matters Coalition Coordinator, Lara Kassel at lkassel@medicaidmattersny.org