August 9, 2020
NYS Council members,
Earlier this summer a small committee of IT experts from 4 COFCCA member agencies researched 9 options for symptom tracking applications (‘apps’) that meet the requirements set forth by DOH (and articulated by COFCCA member agencies) and honed it to 3 that met most requirements.
The goal was to find applications to assist agencies with ways to assure individuals are symptom free of COVID-19 when they are entering agency sites or visiting children and families in the community. Through their research COFCCA committee members learned that NY SHIELD, PHI and HIPPA protections prohibit agencies from collecting and/or maintaining information about employees and visitors more than a ‘yes/no’ as to whether or not they are symptom free – even questions requiring employees to provide their temperature are not considered in compliance.
After the 9 demonstrations, the COFCCA committee honed it to 3 apps that different provider organizations liked. Jim Purcell, CEO at COFCCA and his staff has graciously shared detailed information about those three vendors (below).
What follows are the materials each vendor shared prior to a presentation they each made to the COFCCA committee last week. The prices being offered seem reasonable. Jim Purcell notes that the 3 vendors applications listed below are not designed exclusively for foster care organizatIons.
Our thanks to COFCCA for passing their research and special pricing on to the NYS Council and our member agencies!
Here are the materials each vendor shared prior to the presentation.. At the end of this message is a note that highlights some thoughts post the meeting:
1. Documents for Health Check :Health Check General InfoHealth Check UsersHealth Check Industry 2. Document for Health Affirmation :Health Affirmation proposal 3. Links for MyHealthChampion: · Click HERE to view a video that provides a quick overview of our COVID-19 solution · You can also find more information about our COVID-19 solution for businesses preparing to resume full operations by clicking HERE · Please watch our Full Demonstration to learn how to use the product Important reminders for interested providers as you explore these options: · Agencies should perform their own due diligence (and reference checks) · Agencies should assure compliance with ‘changing ‘ NYS COVID-19 requirements · Agencies should confirm compliance with NYS SHIELD as amended 3/20/2020 · Contracting is individual – COFCCA is glad to confirm proposed pricing given economies offered by the vendors Below are the contacts for the three vendors identified by the COFCCA IT committee that conducted the search for appropriate apps.In order to assure the pricing and offers – indicate in your communication that you have been referred by COFCCA: Healthcheck: Email: · For agencies who sign up during August – 2 months will be free · Pricing is $0.66/month ($8/year) per user with a base organization fee of $49/month. Health Affirmation: · Offered an alternative option based on actual usage not employees signed up MyHealth to Lauri Champion: Email: Offered special COFCCA pricing information that equates to ~$0.40/license monthly |
As always, if we can be of assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to the NYS Council at 518 461-8200 or write Lauri at: