Proposed Network Adequacy Regs &
January 10, 2024
Good morning,
We are working hard to keep up with all of the information coming out this week.
1) Attached please find our first blush analysis of NY’s recently approved 1115 waiver amendment proposal. Great thanks are due to HMA for assisting us with this analysis. Please Note: While we believe it to be 100% accurate, we may learn more in the days to come that helps us understand better or differently. In particular, the language about the 2% Medicaid rate increase is quite convoluted and so, we are working to collect additional information that clarifies this portion of the 1115 amendment. As such, if you forward the document attached, please also forward this email so the reader understands that the intent of and eligibility for the 2% Medicaid rate increase is still unclear (to us).
2) Also please find the proposed Network Adequacy regulations that were published in today’s NYS Register.
Please join us for our Thursday morning NYS Council Member Support and Public Policy call tomorrow morning at 9:15. This meeting is another opportunity for us to share additional information and make a plan to activate our advocacy network to meet the challenges ahead.