March 23, 2022
1) Attached, please find a Proposed Rule Making published today in the State Register by OASAS related to Designated Services.
2) Also attached please find the following rule making issued today by NYSDOH:
- Notice of Adoption related to MCOs to maintain the contingent reserve requirement at 7.25% through 2022 applied to Medicaid Managed Care, HIV SNP and HARP programs.
- Proposed Rule Making related to Telehealth Services under Medicaid to provide:
- Expansion in the types of providers who can deliver care via telehealth, as long as such telehealth services are appropriate to meet a patient’s needs and are within a provider’s scope of practice.
- Addition of Audio-only, eConsult, Virtual Check-in, and Virtual Patient Education as telehealth modalities, as well as parameters for appropriately using those modalities and standards for reimbursement.
- The full text of the rule can be viewed here with the language on payment parity on page 12-13.
The last attachment includes the following rule making issued today by OMH:
- Emergency/Revised Rule Making related to the COVID-19 Vaccination program
- A Notice of Expiration
Upon review, please let us know if you have any questions.