October 14, 2022
The Office of Health Insurance Programs of the New York State Department of Health has approved the release of the September 2022 Medicaid Update. Please find the new and improved, interactive issue as a PDF (Portable Document Format) file available to be downloaded at: https://health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/program/update/2022/docs/mu_no10_sep22.pdf. A print-ready version is also available on the Medicaid Update web page.
You may also go straight to an article or topic that pertains to you by selecting from the current issue’s table of contents below.
Policy and Billing
- Update to New York State Medicaid Fee-for-Service Program Pharmacists as Immunizers Fact Sheet (Cover)
- New York State Medicaid Fee-for-Service: Modifier 33 Waiving Copayment, Deductible, and Coinsurance for United States Preventive Services Task Force A and B Medical Services
- Pharmacy Professional Dispensing Fee Update
- New York State Medicaid Expansion of Remote Patient Monitoring for Maternal Care
- New York State Medicaid Pharmacy Coverage of Polio Vaccine
- New York State Medicaid Reimbursement for Gambling Disorder Treatment Provided by Office of Addiction Services and Supports Certified Programs