June 7, 2023
First, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for pushing out letters to lawmakers re: the OMIG Audit Reform bill using the CPState letter generator.
As of 5:00 on Tuesday, 4,884 letters had been sent to lawmakers. That’s amazing. Having said this, we are not out of the woods yet. Please continue to generate letters that will go to the Assembly where the bill is still with Ways and Means. Here’s the link: https://cpstate.org/advocacy/?bbsrc=%2fCampaigns%2f99125%2fRespond
The Assembly has not yet moved the bill out of Ways and Means. With just two days remaining, this is a major problem. We want to arm our Assembly legislative champions with information they can use to make the case that the state budget should not be balanced off the backs of honest Medicaid providers that are guilty of nothing more than clerical or other minor errors. If you are small to medium sized agency and an OMIG audit had a significant negative impact on your agency despite there being no fraud or abuse uncovered, please send me a note with the following information by noon today. I will completely de-identify your information but add it to a one-page document we are preparing to use with lawmakers who are fighting for our bill.
Please share the following info with me:
- Region in which you are located
- Briefly summarize what happened. (e.g. clerical error or other OMIG overreach resulting in an exponential and damaging penalty on the agency?)
- Describe impact of audit on your ability to provide services to the individuals you serve
If you would prefer, give me a call at 518 461-8200.
Thank you!