Update- Final OMH Aid to Localities Budget Approps

May 1, 2023

Below please find outcomes from our initial review of the OMH section of the (Final) Aid to Localities (ATL) Appropriations bill.  We shared the OASAS ATL appropriations earlier.

OMH (Final) Aid To Localities Budget Appropriations
Adult Services

Total funding for the Adult Services Program is increased by approx. $37 million from the Executive Budget proposal.  This comprises a range of provisions (outlined below).  We note where funding is consistent with the executive budget proposal, and where there were increases in the final agreement (like the COLA, and new member initiatives – see below):

  • $338.8 million for eligible home and community based services, or other approved services per the American rescue plan act from 4/1/23-3/31/24, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $14 million for recruitment and retention of psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners and other licensed clinicians in mental health programs licensed by OMH, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $74 million for BH services from reinvestment of savings from MMC recoupment, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $400,000 to FarmNet peer to peer support programs for farmers, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $423.9 million for various community mental health non-residential programs, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $60 million for 9-8-8 crisis response system, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $49.2 million for various community mental health emergency programs, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $914.6 million for various community mental health residential programs, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $3.25 million for IPS employment program, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $2.8 million for INSET program, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $119.5 million for expansion of state community hubs and voluntary operated services for adults and children, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $64.5 million for supported housing and services for those with mental illnesses discharged from adult homes, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $12 million for care coordination, supported housing and services needed by persons with mental illness who are discharged from nursing homes, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $1.17 million for services of comprehensive care centers for eating disorders, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $2 million for eating disorder treatment, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $1 million for suicide prevention efforts for veterans, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $7.7 million for the Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer to Peer Services program delineating by county, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $62.6 million adult mental health services funded by the community MH block grant, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $6.3 million to assist and transition from homelessness (PATH) grants, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $350,000 for organization grants to eliminate stigma attached to mental illness,consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $7.58 million for adult mental health services, including assisted outpatient treatment, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $5.3 million to support minimum wage costs, a decrease from $6.5 million in Executive budget proposal
  • $81 million to support OMH provider COLA, an increase from $50.6 million in Executive budget, for 4% COLA
  • New appropriation of $1 million for Daniel’s Law Task Force
  • New appropriation of $250,000 for Maternal Mental Health Workgroup
  • New appropriation of $300,000 for Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative
  • New appropriation of $1.75 million for programs and services including mental health services, addiction treatment services, crisis intervention, BH services and supports pursuant to a plan approved by the Senate temporary President and DOB in a Senate resolution.
  • The following are new appropriations (not in Executive budget- these are “member initiatives”)

Crisis Intervention Teams …………………. 2,000,000 

Family Service League – North Fork Mental

Health Initiative ………………………… 175,000 

Family Service League – South Fork Behav-

ioral Health Initiative ………………….. . 175,000 

Family Service League ……………………… . 100,000 

EverGreen Meadow ………………………….. . 250,000 

NY Mental Health Association in Orange Coun-

ty Inc …………………………………… 10,000 

Child Mind Institute ……………………….. 200,000 

Children of Promise, NYC ……………………. 100,000 

Rainbow Heights Club ………………………… 50,000 

The Trevor Project …………………………. 150,000 

Unconditional Support Incorporated …………… 150,000 

FarmNet …………………………………… 100,000 

Mental Health Association in New York State,

Inc. (MHANYS) ……………………………. 100,000

Crisis services of Buffalo and Erie County (Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service

Inc) …………………………………… 300,000. 

The Harris Project Inc (Include Project) ……… 120,000

The Harris Project Inc (Encompass Project) ……. 125,000

Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS)…… 200,000

Children & Youth Services Program

Total funding for the Children & Youth Services program in the final budget is $385.3 million, consistent with Executive budget proposal (no change) as follows:

  • $128.4 million for community residence and family-based treatment, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $10 million for youth suicide prevention, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $5 million for high fidelity wrap around services for children, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $166.8 million for various community MH non-residential programs, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $46.5 million for various community mental health emergency programs, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $13.9 million for various community mental health residential programs, consistent with Executive budget proposal
  • $14.4 million for children’s mental health services funded by the community MH services block grant, consistent with Executive budget proposal