Attention NYS Council OMH Children’s Providers

September 20, 2022

Recently the NYS Council requested (from OMH) a document or resource list that speaks to various investments that have been made over the past few years, to the OMH BH children’s system of care.  Some of the information (below) will not be new to our members.  Nevertheless, we thought this information would serve as a useful resource for our members going forward. 

1)  Attached is the latest PowerPoint OMH recently presented for various membership associations.  This includes recent RTF investments which are substantial and SPAs have been posted (for pending Disaster SPAs and Feb 1, 2022 25% Clinical and Direct care increases and the July 1, 2022 $15M investment and rate fixes will be submitted and posted shortly).  OMH will build in CR investments for kids which rolled out in the prior year and we built further on these with the residential investments – the kids CR programs were substantially enhanced including more staff and rehab resources.

Medicaid Reimbursement Rates (

2) OMH also includes a copy of the Federal report of investments and the eFMAP investments.  Many of these include kids elements (whether part of OP or IP), or specialized targeted investments for kids.  OMH dedicated 25% of the block grant for kids.  These reports have extensive detail and they will be updated as well shortly.  Same with eFMAP.  This includes a link to the initial plan but this continues to be updated and posted with extensive detail.

Supplemental Block Grant and FMAP Funding (

Legislative Report 12/21/2021 (

Spending Plan for Implementation of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9817 (

OMH Note:  Importantly, OMH states that when you examine the entire system, Children represent about 25% of the resources.  So for a quick assessment, you can allocate kids from the OP and IP investments, or use the extensive Medicaid data on the OMH website for more detailed views of this.

OMH Note:  In addition to all the general investments which kids benefited from, there was targeted investments in OMH’s budget including Healthy Steps, trauma informed care, school based expansions, HCBI crisis intervention doubling, evidenced based care implementation, and other investments.   These totaled more than $60M in 2022-23.

OMH Note:  Many of these investments are referenced in State costs.  OMH’s focus has been on getting out the factual information for providers so they are aware of the investments and can program these resources to improve access and strengthen and preserve services.