January 3, 2023
The NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) and the Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors (CLMHD) have launched two new universal referral applications to help simplify access to Children’s-Single Point of Access and intensive mental health services for youth.
Introducing Two New Applications
- Children’s-Single Point of Access (C-SPOA) Application Part 1. This application is for referring a youth and their family for C-SPOA coordination. C-SPOA Coordinators help coordinate access to services and supports for youth with unmet mental health needs. There is a C-SPOA Coordinator in every county. This application asks for general information about a youth’s demographics and mental health needs.
- C-SPOA Application Part 2: Accessing Youth Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Children’s Community Residence (CCR) and Residential Treatment Facility (RTF.) This application is for referring a youth for Youth ACT, CCR or RTF services. The application requests more detailed information around a youth’s mental health needs and provides the requirements for documentation to support any needs noted.
You will find the new C-SPOA Application Part 1 and Part 2 as well as the consent forms for RTF referrals attached to this announcement. You may also request copies from the local C-SPOA.
Key Application Submission Changes
- There is one application statewide for C-SPOA coordination
- Use the C-SPOA Part 1 and Part 2 applications to apply for Youth ACT, CCR and RTF service access statewide
- Send applications for C-SPOA Coordination and Youth ACT, CCR and RTF to the youth’s local C-SPOA
Are there any resources available to help me or colleagues complete the new applications?
Please see the attached infographic on the application referral process changes. Brief tutorials are available at the links below to assist with completing the applications.
- Completing the C-SPOA Application Part 1: A Tutorial
- Completing the C-SPOA Application Part 2 for Accessing Youth ACT, CCRs and RTFs: A Tutorial
What do I do if I am in the middle of completing a referral for Youth ACT, CCR or RTF?
If you are currently working on a referral using old referral forms, your referral will be accepted by C-SPOA through the end of March 2023. For future referrals, please update the forms you have on file to these new forms.
Why are changes to Youth ACT, CCR and RTF referral processes occurring?
When applications are sent to a youth’s local C-SPOA Coordinator, this ensures that C-SPOA is connected to youth and families with unmet needs. C-SPOAs then guide youth and their families through service options and referral processes. One application for Youth ACT, CCR and RTF services is easier to complete. It will also allow youth, their families, and referral sources to learn more quickly about eligibility for these program types.
Thank you for your dedicated work serving the youth and families of New York State. We look forward to working with you as the State adopts the new forms and referral processes.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us.
Division of Integrated Community Services for Children and Families
Office of Mental Health
(518) 474-8394 | DCFS@omh.ny.gov