OASAS: New Part 853 Credentialing of Addiction Professionals
October 9, 2023
As we mentioned last week, OASAS recently promised to make a recent Webinar the Office hosted re: Credentialing Updates a Learning Thursday presentation. We sent all members slides from the live Webinar as well as brief from the event.
Subject: New Learning Thursdays Presentation: New Part 853 Credentialing of Addiction Professionals regulations into effect on September 2
Dear Providers,
OASAS is pleased to announce a new Learning Thursdays presentation on reviewing the new Part 853 Credentialing of Addiction Professionals regulations that went into effect on September 26. To view presentation, please visit https://youtu.be/c3NLLX7sVXM. If you have questions, please contact learningthursdays@oasas.ny.gov