Please Share with Your Billing Staff –
OMH 9.5.23 Provider Billing Call Follow Up

September 6, 2023

Following are notes and documents discussed during the 9.5.23 OMH Quarterly Billing Call.  Multiple documents are linked below.

PLEASE forward this information to your Billing, Coding and Reimbursement/Revenue Cycle staff.  We tried to send it through our NYS Council Billers listserv but there are just too many attachments.  

Thank you!


From: OMH-Managed-Care <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 4:23 PM
To: OMH-Managed-Care <>
Subject: OMH September 5, 2023 Quarterly Provider Billing Call Follow Up

Thank you for taking the time to attend the September 2023 OMH Quarterly Provider Assistance Billing Call. Attached please find the memos and resources we discussed. If these resources are available online they are also linked below along with some additional resources referenced during the call. Formal responses to all questions asked will be forthcoming.

As always, if you have any specific questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the OMH Managed Care Mailbox ( for assistance with managed care related inquiries, or the OMH Medicaid Fee-for-Service (FFS) mailbox ( for Fee-for-Service related inquiries.


OMH Managed Care


  1. OMH Telehealth Standards of Care (May 12, 2023)
  2. OMH Telehealth Effective Date Memo (May 1, 2023)
  3. January 2023 Minimum Wage Increase and April 2023 Cost of Living (August 3, 2023)
  4. 9.5.23 OMH Quarterly Provider Billing Call slides for PHE Unwind for Dually Eligible Medicaid Enrollees (September 5, 2023)
  5. ePACES Eligibility Response (September 5, 2023)
  6. ePACES Eligibility Request (September 5, 2023)
  7. ePACEs Medicaid Managed Care HARP Example (September 5, 2023)
  8. Unwinding the Public Health Emergency- Keeping Dually Eligible HARP Enrollees in HARP (September 5, 2023)
  9. MCTAC webinar link below in Additional Resources section
  10. OMH Licensed Article 31 Mental Health Clinics Claims Submissions Regarding Attending and Referring Providers (July 24, 2020)
  11. MHOTRS Programmatic Guidance (July 2023)
  12. 8.31.23 Complaint Process– Provides an overview of the State’s Medicaid Managed Care complaint process and collaboration between OMH and DOH (August 31, 2023)

Additional Resources:

On 4/25/23, the New York State Office of Mental Health, Department of Health and MCTAC hosted the “Unwinding the Public Health Emergency: Keeping New Yorkers Covered” webinar where they discussed the upcoming resumption of Medicaid Recertifications. 

This webinar was targeted to:

  • All child and adult serving Medicaid Behavioral Health providers
  • Care Managers
  • Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
  • Trade and Advocacy Organizations
  •  Local Mental Hygiene Directors

The webinar provided an overview of New York State’s process to resume Medicaid eligibility renewals and as well as information about how stakeholders can assist individuals in maintaining their Medicaid enrollment.

Click the button or link below to view the resources! 

View Webinar Resources Here
